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3322 Route 22 West • Building 4, Suite 451 • Branchburg, NJ 08876

Need an inspection?
Contact us to have your home or building inspected by a Licensed New Jersey Professional Engineer.
Does Oak Ridge Engineering have an affiliation with Real Estate Companies?No. Let us repeat that; NO! Although we enjoy a positive working relationship with the real estate community, our allegiance is always to our client. We are completely independent. The laws that govern our profession do not allow any financial relationship between home inspectors and real estate agents. Any home inspector who is paying advertising or referral fees to a real estate company is in violation of New Jersey's Home Inspection Advisory Statutes.
Why should I hire an Engineer, rather than just a Home Inspector?Even with a home inspector's license there is still a difference between a Professional Engineer and a Licensed Home Inspector. By law in practically all states, Licensed Professional Engineers are the only ones who can legally render an opinion as to the structural integrity of an existing building. The New Jersey Home Inspection Statutes limit home inspectors to "observing existing conditions" in the home. They may not evaluate the adequacy of the structural & mechanical systems that make up a home. For this reason, it is recommended that home buyers hire home inspectors who are Professional Engineers to perform their inspection.
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